Montana's Largest Intimate Photography Studio

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Moving Towards Body Acceptance

When was the last time you did a double take at yourself and thought “ooooo, she’s hot”?!

If you are anything like me, having those moments with yourself may not be something that comes naturally to you.  We live in a world where we are surrounded by voices that can constantly make us feel as though we aren’t good enough.  

Between fad diets, social media, hustle culture, and the list goes on and on - it’s hard to tune out the noise and know what you personally need to feel whole inside and out.

The reality is, body acceptance is not something that will happen overnight. Although I wish our world was that kind!

Body acceptance is a lifelong journey that takes trial and error, many ups and downs, unlearning and relearning, and a whole lot of resilience.

I’m so proud of how far I’ve come over the years and have learned that there is nothing wrong with seeking support and guidance along the way.

I want to let you in on a little secret I’ve discovered through my many years of photographing women (half naked mind you!) from all different walks of life, identities, shapes, sizes:

Women are FAR more resilient and courageous than we give ourselves credit for.

When my clients share deeply personal stories about what led them to book a session, I am always in awe of their bravery, wisdom, and strength.

More often than not, they are completely unaware of just how incredible they truly are.

It breaks my heart to hear how much we underestimate ourselves, however, having the honor of sharing the inner strength that you hold through the images we create during our boudoir shoots is why I am so passionate about what I do.

Doing a boudoir shoot empowers a foundation of body acceptance within you that will be built upon as time goes on.

Regardless of what experiences you encounter, you will have your images to look back on and fill you with unconditional love for yourself, your body, and everything that has made you who you are.

At first glance, booking a shoot might seem daunting, and it’s normal to feel some initial doubts or nerves, “How will I know what to do with my face, will she get my good side, what will I wear?”

But you already have every single thing it takes to slay your session, all it takes is the courage to begin the process and walk through the studio doors on shoot day. My team and I will be right by your side guiding you through the entire process.

Whether you are well versed on the topic of body acceptance or are brand new to it, a boudoir session is a perfect starting point. 

The first step to booking your session is to schedule a 10-15 minute phone consultation with me using the following link: Reserve your phone consultation!

During your phone consultation, I’ll walk you through what to expect before, during and after your session as well as answer any questions you may have about your experience.

My favorite part of my job is getting to know so many beautiful women like you to help them reach new levels of self-love.

I can’t wait to chat!

