What If I'm Camera Shy?

It’s no secret that having a camera pointed at you can bring up an array of vulnerable feelings. It’s something we’ve all experienced and while some of us are more used to it than others, pushing through that vulnerability and into a new level of confidence takes patience, self-love, and some trust in your photographer to bring out that inner fire ;)

During shoot time, I’ll be right by your side, coaching you through each pose and showing you that there is nothing to be afraid of. Many of my clients, even the most nervous, walk away from their sessions having enjoyed their time in the spotlight, and can’t wait to do another photo shoot.

Which will shift how you see the camera altogether.  

“Misty creates such a positive and uplifting experience for every single one of her clients. No matter the situation, one of her first questions is "what made you decide to do this?". Literally any single response you can think of, she heard and finds a way to use that information about you to create a super personal and extremely positive experience tailored to you. She really knows how to make women from every background feel celebrated. I have been a fan of hers for some time now.”

After years of photographing women, I’ve got some tips and tricks up my sleeve that will help you ease those nerves and get into the zone as we move from pose to pose. Because facing those insecurities that may arise and coming out the other side a more empowered goddess is what your shoot is all about.


Our top 5 tips to HELP YOU feel more relaxed in front of the camera:


1) Focus on your breath:  Breathing with intention is proven to calm your nervous system, ease anxiety, and make you more aware of your body. Rather than focusing on the ‘what if's that may be running through your head, focus on your breath and you’ll notice a calming shift in your body and mind. 

2) Think about the end results:  Whether you’ve had a session before or not, you can rest assured that you are going to be blown away by your final images.  Not quite sure? Take a look at our client love notes and hear what our past clients had to say about their experiences!

3) Follow the pre-session prep materials:  Leading up to shoot day, we’ll be sending you tons of materials like a wardrobe guide, a hair and makeup guide, and more to help set you up for success on session day. By following these materials, you’ll be able to approach shoot time knowing, without a doubt in your mind, that you are ready to conquer your shoot with some next-level confidence.  

4) Listen to my direction:  I’ll directing you in and out of each pose while playing your personal hype-woman. If you listen to my posing direction, nothing will be left up for you to question and you can focus on having fun!

5) Trust your photographer: I’ve guided hundreds of women through boudoir shoots and trust me when I say… I have seen, heard, and worked through it all. Between professional retouching, hair and makeup, expert lighting, posing direction, and more - Our studio is fully equipped to give you an experience that will feel luxurious, comfortable, and beyond your wildest expectations.

Watching women come out of their shells during our photo shoots is one of my favorite aspects of what I do. And, we work every day to ensure that our studio is a safe and empowering environment to do so.

If you are interested in learning more about what to expect before during and after shoot day, hit the button below and we’ll schedule some time to chat!

