The Therapeutic Benefits of Boudoir

Everyone preaches about how important it is to get out of your comfort zone because that’s where life begins. It’s true that the stories we find ourselves telling over and over again are from times when we left our comfort zone.

Boudoir is the perfect amount of pushing your boundaries and testing yourself when it comes to taking a chance and leaving your comfort zone.

It’s also therapeutic since it gives you a chance to explore a version of yourself that you don’t get to see every day.

A boudoir is a form of therapy that can affirm and remind you exactly who you are.

I’ve found some of the best parts of life are discovering where you can find therapy, outside of formal therapy. We are always looking for experiences that are therapeutic whether we know it or not.

#1 Montana Boudoir Photographer

To my clients' surprise, they find that boudoir can be that kind of experience for them.

When we are looking outside of our comfort zone we still want to feel safe and like ourselves. We want to recognize the person we are on the other side of the experience.

Ultimately, we want to not only get out of our comfort zone but expand it and learn more about ourselves.

One of the therapeutic benefits of boudoir, besides growing our expectations of ourselves, is redefining our self-image.

When it comes to redefining your self-image, you have to start with your own definition of who you are. With the hustle and bustle of life, it can be easy for that definition you were once comfortable with to become outdated or muddled.

Boudoir can help you create a new definition for yourself. 

During a session or a phone consultation before you book a session, we can discuss your intention for booking a session with me. 

Most clients find this helpful. What you hope to get out of the session is of utmost importance to me because that will trickle down to the makeup, hairstyles, and outfits you wear during your session. 

Besides what you wear during a session, poses are equally important.

I coach you through poses that will provide the most flattering angles. I want you to feel your absolute best and be proud of the final photos.

In order for the poses to bring out your best, you’ll need to bring your most confident self.

How do we know when we feel confident?

When we can’t help but focus on what we love about ourselves and our bodies.

When you only welcome positive thoughts into your headspace.

Clients find that beyond the physical preparation for a photo shoot, the mental preparation is equally if not more important. 

Using boudoir as an exercise to practice being confident is a therapy in disguise.

Boudoir is an opportunity to get in tune with your body and all sides of yourself - Sensual, physical, and mental. 

By getting in tune with your sensual side, you are not only working on your relationship with yourself but your relationship with romance too.

Being able to romance yourself is therapy and self-care all in one.

Boudoir photography is a therapy that can spice up your life and remind you who you are.

If you have any questions or would like to book your boudoir experience, you can book a free phone consultation with me using the following link: RESERVE AN INFORMATION PHONE CALL

I’d love to chat with you!

I am currently booking sessions through the remainder of 2022 (FEW DATES REMAINING) and early 2023. Book yourself a boudoir session, for an experience to push you out of your comfort zone using the button below:

