Choosing You This Valentines Day

If you want to live a more empowered life, it’s time to begin choosing YOU.

You have to understand that your body, life, and desires are just as worthy as everyone else’s.

Are you someone who’s always putting others first or letting fear of the unknown stop you from doing what your heart longs to do?

If so, I can relate to you in a big way.

After becoming a mother I found myself fully immersed in the needs of others and I guess you could say I '“lost myself” for a time.

I didn’t really see it when I was deep in the trenches of dirty diapers and sleepless nights.

After I realized how much motherhood had changed my relationship with myself, I knew I had to make more of an effort in my life to choose myself.

This kickstarted my lifelong journey of body confidence and self-love and now I’m assuring my clients along on their own journies through our boudoir sessions.

Life is pretty magical that way, huh?

Sometimes it’s the things that we initially see as our weaknesses that end up being our biggest strengths.

Perhaps for you, it’s not motherhood but rather your career, relationship, or something else.

Everyone’s journey is unique.

But if you can relate to my story on even a small level, it’s time to start choosing you.

One of the ways that you can do so is by booking yourself a boudoir session.

Your boudoir session is one of the most empowering things you’ll ever experience.

Don’t take it from me, take it from one of my recent past clients!

“My Boudoir experience with Misty was absolutely phenomenal! I recently turned 40 and this photoshoot was really a big deal for me as this age is kind of the transformative one in my eyes. From beginning to end the studio was fabulous, the vibe was set when I walked in and it was ready set go !
Monica the makeup artist did a wonderful job on my makeup and hair and Misty is so fun and personable while she walks you through each step and coaches the modeling process. My photos are beautiful and I'm so excited to plan for my next shoot!!!” - Miss J

So, this Valentine’s Day, do something special for yourself and book that boudoir session.

My team and I can’t wait to guide you through this experience.

