Boudoir Session Wardrobe Ideas

So many of us keep our day-to-day wardrobe limited to practical pieces that match our profession.

When we’re not at work, we often choose comfort over style.

This results in a lot of outfit repeats… well, in my case at least!

What about all those pieces in your closet that don’t quite fit in the comfort or work attire categories?

They don’t deserve the neglect they might be getting.

Believe it or not, the clothes and accessories in your closet that don’t exactly fit the day-to-day are the perfect items to think about bringing along to your boudoir shoot.

Those sparkly or sexy outfits and accessories are likely your favorite items in your whole closet. You just don’t get to show them off that often. 

Boudoir photography is the perfect opportunity to wear parts of your wardrobe that could use a little love. 

And if you prefer a wardrobe refresh, we’ve got plenty of suggestions for places to shop in our wardrobe guide that you’ll receive leading up to shoot day.

Helena Boudoir Photographer

Diamonds are a girl's best friend.

During our session, I’ll work to find poses that highlight a particular piece of valuable jewelry that you hold dear. 

If you just got engaged or inherited a ring or bracelet, a boudoir shoot is the perfect way to commemorate it.

We can specifically focus on the elegance of your hands, wrist, neck, and collarbone, like in the image above. These are some of my clients’ favorite body parts to showcase.

Whether your new piece of jewelry evokes sensuality or sentimentality, you can announce your new beloved possession to the world with style and creativity. 

Helena Montana Boudoir Photographer

If bling is not your thing, that’s alright too. You might have some favorite accessories that aren’t necessarily jewelry but still make people’s heads turn when you walk through the door. 

The items in your closet that make you can’t quite figure out how to work into your wardrobe are perfect boudoir inspiration.

These wardrobe items work great into sessions because all clothing, no matter how small or minimal, will look great on your skin.

And skin is our favorite accessory to highlight in boudoir photography ;)

Helena Montana Boudoir Photographer

If you love purchasing lingerie as much as I do, you may have a few gems that have ended up at the bottom of your underwear drawer with your misfit socks that have lost their match. 

While we are all guilty of a little online shopping addiction (right?!), you bought that lingerie for a reason.

Maybe it has lace and you love lace.

Maybe it’s red and your favorite color is red.

Maybe when you put it on you remember exactly who you are.

The confidence that these pieces bring into your session will translate beautifully in your images.

Boudoir photography is the perfect outlet to showcase your personal style… Especially the style you don’t have time to show off between your 9-5 and all your other responsibilities.

All those Pinterest boards that have your ideal outfits will not go to waste. 

Don’t find yourself all dressed up with nowhere to go.

Book an initial phone consultation with me for my 2022 dates and I can answer any questions you have about your boudoir shoot and help you select your session date if you are ready!

