Your Montana Boudoir Photographer’s at Home Tips!

As a boudoir photographer, it is part of my job to make you feel your sexiest self. And although we cultivate that every single session in our Montana Studio, I wanted everyone to feel this way in their own bedroom. 

That is why I have put together a few tips to help you turn your space, your bedroom specifically, into an intimate, sexy, environment. 

In the same way, our mental focus is better with a clean space, so is our sexual focus. Walking into your bedroom for some one-on-one time and seeing dirty laundry on the floor, cups/dishes on the nightstand, and other clutter can turn the mood off and trigger your mental to-do list! No thanks! 

Lighting and Music:

Just like we use in the studio, use it to your advantage at home. Full-on lights and blacked-out both don’t add to the overall sense of intimacy. You definitely want to see your partner but dim lighting or candles can feel more sexy than all of the lights brightly on.

As far as music goes, whatever puts you in the mood, and keeps you in the mood. Spotify has some great curated bedroom playlists for every type of getting busy. Don’t forget to add your song together to the queue!

Only use this space for sleep + sex:

Now, I see how this will be hard (especially with young kids or kids at all lol). When possible, only let this space be your special space together, meaning no distractions, no obligations, just the two of you. This is a sacred space, try only watching TV in bed with your partner, or other things leading up to either sleep or sex. 

If this is too hard to achieve due to babies, workspace, etc, there are plenty of other places in your house……just make one of those places ‘your spot’. Does anyone else feel like a horny teenager when they have sex anywhere other than in a bed? Just me? K Lol. 

Find a trigger:

Having an outfit, scent, word, touch signal, song, or anything else that quickly switches gears can heat things up quite intensely, especially if the last tip isn’t an option for you. 

Sexy sleepwear:

Look I’m all for comfort….so I’m not suggesting sleeping in lingerie but sleep in something you feel super good in and switches you to bed mode. 

These tips should set you up for great sleep and great sex.  And, when it comes down to it, don’t they serve a similar purpose? Recharging, reconnecting, relaxing, and most of us don’t want to go too long without it.

Do you have any tips to add? Let me know at your next session:

