Pandemic Realizations About Self-Care

Last year’s lockdown impacted us all uniquely…. If I had my own TED Talk, I could go on and on about the groundbreaking realizations that I’ve had during the last year and a half… but I’ll spare you those details.

Some of my most groundbreaking insights, that I think we can all relate to, were on the topic of self-care.

With loads of time to reflect, the way that I care for myself came to the forefront of my mind. As a boudoir photographer self-care has always been a part of my life. However, it really took form when I started to practice what I preach.

I knew that if I was guiding other women to love themselves more deeply, I better be speaking from experience. To further that, I‘ve seen how when I practice self-care, I am able to show up for myself, my clients, and all the people in my life more fully.

It’s a win win for everyone…

The beauty of our boudoir sessions is that they are a bold act of self-care. Throughout your entire experience, my team and I will show you how to love and honor yourself in a new light. One filled with unconditional love, acceptance, and empowerment. And… it’s not so often that we get to indulge ourselves in the pampering that comes along with your session :)

I am going to share my top 3 realizations about self-care that came to me during the pandemic.

I find that when we hear one another’s experiences, we are able to validate some of our own that may not have surfaced in our own lives yet… keep in mind that self-care looks so different for all of us.

#1: It’s never too late to make a change.

I find that as the years go by, we can get super comfortable with the way things are… even they are not serving us as we deserve. But we always have the opportunity to identify the things that are not bringing us joy and take the necessary steps to make the changes we want to see for ourselves.

These shifts can be as simple as walking up a little earlier each morning to practice mindfulness or communicating more openly with someone in our lives. And yes, honoring ourselves in relationships is a form of self-care :)

#2: Personal growth isn’t always pretty.

Personal growth is a natural result of self-care that I find is glorified quite often. Don’t get me wrong… growth is one of the most rewarding feelings out there but it’s not always pretty.

My biggest moments of growth have happened at some of my most raw and vulnerable states - I’m talking bathroom floor sobbing type moments. When we have breakthroughs like that, it can be hard to really celebrate the growth that occurred because we are taught to associate shame with that level of vulnerability.

Unraveling that association can take a lifetime of healing and a few empowering boudoir sessions (wink wink) but giving yourself the space to acknowledge those deeply vulnerable moments as a necessary part of growth, regardless of how messy they were, is a huge step to embodying unconditional self-care.

#3: Self-care doesn’t have to happen in solitude.

Self-care can feel sooooo isolating sometimes and it’s easy to forget we don’t have to do it alone. Scheduling a wine night once a week with your girlfriends and turning off your phone… guess what?! That some self-care! Scheduling weekly therapy or joining a support group… self-care! How about going on coffee dates with your bestie with the sole purpose of venting about the stressors you’re experiencing… self-care!

Sometimes the accountability of practicing self-care with others is exactly what we need to stay motivated.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading through these realizations!

Ready to book a photo shoot of your own?

The first step to booking your shoot is to schedule your phone consultation below. During your phone consultation, I’ll answer any questions you may have, walk you through what to expect, and select your session date if you’re ready!

There is no better time than not to show yourself the love and attention you deserve through a luxury boudoir session.

