Three Things to Expect

Do you know what I'm thankful for this year?

Inner peace, love, and boudoir!!!

As a small business owner, life can get... hectic... to say the least.

But one of the *many* things I've learned from my 11 years as a boudoir photographer is that we need to prioritize ourselves, no matter how chaotic life can get.

Being at peace within ourselves helps us heal old scars, see the positive side of life more often, and be more kind to those around us.  

It just shifts the way we show up in the world. 
One of the ways that I find inner peace is by spending time loving myself and celebrating who I am and I think a boudoir session is a perfect way to do that. 

As a mother, I've gone through stretches of time where I wouldn't dare to think of taking a day off to pamper myself... there's just too much to be done... sound familiar??

If this sounds like you, let me just tell you from girlfriend to girlfriend that investing in yourself is the best decision you will ever make. 

Take it from one of the thousands of clients who've visited my studio over the years:

"Such an incredible experience with amazing women!!
There's magic in the way other women can give you that boost
& help build you up & see yourself as the amazing woman you are!!"


When you visit my studio, you can expect to:

#1: Reconnect with yourself - Your session day is all about YOU! Not about your titles, responsibilities, or partner! We want to celebrate you and make you feel like a queen.

#2: Grow in self-love and body acceptance - When you see your photos for the first time, you are going to be blown away. And the best part is, you are still going to look like you! We’re not going to change anything about you during your session, we’re simply highlighting all your best features to create images you’re going to love!

#3: Indulge in a day of pampering - You know the little burst of confidence you feel when you get your nails done, are wearing an outfit you feel amazing in, or treat yourself to a spa day!? Your boudoir session feels like that but like x100!!! And each time you look back on your images, it will all come back ;)

Chat soon, Love!
