You Don't Have to Change a Thing

“After reading all the wonderful reviews, I dug deep for my courage and gave Misty a call and set up an appointment.

I have been plus sized all my life, and this hands down, is one of the bravest and best things I have ever done for myself.

Not sure if there is a general age group of women that do this, but I am probably in the "older" half of the population, which means, more sagging, signs of aging etc..

Misty really does a great job making you feel comfortable with who you are at any age, or any size.

She gets that we can feel very self conscious with our bodies.

She does a very good job at showing you how to pose, when to smile, when to smirk, and is always reminding you to just breathe and have fun!

My photo shoot has changed the way I feel about myself, in a good way!

I highly recommend treating yourself to this experience! I see myself doing this again someday!

I had my shoot 3 months ago, I find myself looking at the pictures pretty regularly... I have the App on my phone, as does my hubby. I picked one out a few weeks ago to send to my hubby while he was at work. His response back to me was" I was just looking at that very picture today admiring you.”

How cool is that!

Totally made my day, all I could do was smile the rest of the day..

Do it Ladies, well worth the investment.” 

- MRS. T

One of the biggest comments my clients share with me after their sessions is that they wish they had booked in sooner.  

Not because they have any regrets, but because after their sessions they see first hand that there is NEVER a perfect time to book.

And here’s the reason why…

Because your boudoir session is designed to celebrate everything that you are in this moment.

Yes… this moment.

I want you to see that the woman reading this post right now, whether you’re laying in bed with some stinky breath or waiting to pick your kids up from practice, is a divine being that is beautiful and worthy of being adored 24/7…


A super common misconception about boudoir is that shoots are for women who already feel comfortable half naked with a camera pointed at them or who look confident behind the camera without needing any direction.

Let me tell you… I have yet to meet a client who was not at least slightly nervous before session day and needed me to hold their hand throughout their journey.

I can’t stress enough that the women who come through my studio are just like you.

Most have zero prior modeling experiences, no clue how to pose, no lingerie in their closet before booking their session, and most don’t even wear makeup on a daily basis!

And I believe that it’s actually better that you have no clue what you are doing when you walk through the studio doors…

Because you’ll be more present with the process and you’ll allow me to fully guide you through the experience.

And guiding you through the experience is what I do best 🙂

I am a firm believer that women, no matter your shape, size, color, past experiences, are the most beautiful creatures on this planet.

I mean seriously…

Women are so resilient, wise, and courageous… There is nothing we can’t do.

Especially when we support and empower one another to feel that soul-level worthiness we all crave.

But the world we live in makes us feel quite the opposite.

Because of that, it’s easy to constantly think that we have to change something about ourselves to feel good enough or ready to do that thing we really want to do.

I’ve learned that it’s okay to not have all the answers…

It’s okay to need a life changing experience, like a boudoir session, to be the thing that shifts your perspective and instills a sense of unrelenting body-positivity in yourself.

You don’t have to do it all on your own… but we do have to push ourselves to take that initial leap.


Having the honor of being that person, the person who serves as a catalyst for you to embody a deeper level of self-love, is something that sets my soul on fire!

Each day I get to witness my clients transform from slightly unsure of what to expect in their experience to absolutely filled with confidence and raving about their boudoir sessions to all the women in their lives.

I hope one day I’ll have the honor of guiding you through a boudoir shoot of your own!

I know that we are going to have so much fun together and you’ll be thanking yourself for gifting yourself this incredible experience for years and years to come.

If you are interested in booking a boudoir session or have questions about what to expect, use the link below to book a phone consultation with me.

During your phone consultation, I’ll answer any questions you may have, walk you through what to expect, and select your session date if you’re ready.

Get ready to fall in love with the way you see yourself!

